
Steamy goodness!

February 25, 2011

This Friday’s extra continues on with bonus content from Book 2! This is a section from the 7-page bonus story at the end of the book. As you can see, it’s full of steampunky goodness. I’m especially fond of Dustin’s Col. Sanders mustache and beard combo, as well as Sarah’s dress. Oh, to have a dress like that!

In other news, the pace here at Weregeek headquarters continues to be full-steam ahead. I’m packing not only for my move to Saskatchewan, but also for Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle next weekend (March 4-6), which is one of my favorite conventions of the season! I’m already looking forward to hitting Pike Place Market before the con and getting some of Beecher’s to-die-for mac and cheese! Seattle Weregeeks – I hope to see you soon!


Comic Storylines

Chapter 16