
Free RPG Day

June 17, 2009

Saturday is Free RPG Day, and the folks down at Happy Harbor Comics are holding a big shindig!

If you’re in Edmonton, come on out to the Whyte Avenue location of Happy Harbor Comics and get some free gaming swag, grab some BBQ at the outdoor grill, and hang out and play some tabletop games with this year’s special guests! Dave Gross (former Editor-in-Chief of Dragon Magazine), Amber E. Scott (Paizo Publishing, White Wolf, Blizzard Entertainment) and myself will all be running games!

I’m going to be running a game of InSpectres, “a game about the burgeoning supernatural investigation and elimination market”. (Essentially, you’ll be playing a team of Ghostbusters!!) It’s a ton of fun, and I’m looking forward to seeing what people come up with! It’ll be first-come, first-serve, with a max of 5 player slots, so make sure you get there right at 10:30 if you want a seat!

Free RPG Day
When: Saturday, June 20, 2009 at 10:30am – 6:00pm
Where: Happy Harbor Comics Vol. 3 (10326 – 81 Ave, Edmonton, AB)


Comic Storylines

Chapter 11