
Battle cameo & Geek Girl Con

October 18, 2013

Thanks to the sharp-eyed Josef Jaraczek, the troll’s ambush on the LARPer’s camp was foiled! Good going, Josef! Without you, those Monster team guys would have sent SO many players to the Healer’s Tent!

In other news, I will be at Geek Girl Con in Seattle this weekend. It is my first time attending this particular show, and I’m very excited to meet all of the wonderful geek ladies and geek lady allies who will be there. I will be at my table for most of the weekend, though I hope to sneak out from time to time so I can take in some of the panels. And speaking of panels – if you’re interested in hearing more about LARP, there will be a LARP seminar on Saturday from 5-6pm, and a Nordic-style LARP thereafter from 7:00 to 8:00. Both will be hosted by Shoshana Kessock, and sound like a wonderful time! Check out the schedule for more details!


Comic Storylines

Chapter 25