
Quest!! (Complete the Weregeek Reader Survey!)

November 15, 2010

Hello Weregeeks!

I have a quest for you, should you choose to accept it.

The mission is simple – I have a quick, 10 question survey that I need you to fill out! It is completely anonymous, and asks nothing more probing than what your favorite games are (both video game and tabletop).

There is even a reward for filling it out – a brand shiny new wallpaper featuring the cast in their Weregeek forms.

Why do I need this? Well, now that the comic is my full-time job, part of the money that pays my bills comes from the advertising on this site. I need some demographics information to get new advertisers on the site and keep my current advertisers happy so that I can keep on paying the bills and making comics for everyone to enjoy. So, if you could do me a good turn by filling out the survey, I’d be mighty grateful!

The Survey

* * *

Just a reminder, the Fourth Year Anniversary of the comic is drawing nearer, and I’ll be doing a special commissions sale is on Saturday, November 27th. I’ll be drawing custom sketches live on screen! These sketches make great Christmas presents for that hard-to-buy-for geek on your list. Watch for more details as the date grows nearer!

* * *

The World's Worst NinjaToday’s (Wednesday’s) strip features a very special appearance by the World’s Worst Ninja, Mr. Stan Woo!! (Woo!) Besides the dubious honor of being the World’s Worst Ninja (I mean, look at him – he’s right there, front and center, in the first panel of the comic!!), Stan also holds the honor of being the Bioware QA Ninja Who Tells The Dirtiest Jokes. (He’s just beginning his most infamous one in the first panel. There’s hand gestures that go along with it, but this is a PG comic…)

Stan won himself an appearance in the comic during the Pure Spec charity auction. All proceeds from the auction went to help out the Edmonton Boys and Girls Club, so while Stan’s jokes might not be kid friendly, his deeds certainly are. Stan, I salute you!!


Comic Storylines

Chapter 15