Comic 194

Welcome to Weregeek.com!!

March 3, 2008

Hey everyone!! Welcome to the new Weregeek.com!!

I’m really excited to be out on my own, and I hope that you all enjoy the new, more reliable server. The old site will still be up to redirect people here, but I will not be posting any of the new comics there, so please update your bookmarks!

We’ve got a sleek new design, and a whole new archiving system. This new site uses ComicPress, which has some great features:

– Image Archives : If you click on the past month in the calendar, it will take you to an archive page that displays thumbnails of all of that month’s comics, so now it’s easy to find exactly the comic you were looking for!

– “Share this Comic” : Found a strip you like and want to share it? This button makes it easy to share any comic in the archives on Technorati, Digg, del.icio.us, and other sites! And, for geeks who don’t have social networking accounts (it sounds strange, but there are some!), you can also email the comic.

– Easy navigation : Those familiar with the old site will notice that the “Home” button is missing from the list of navigation buttons. That’s because clicking the Weregeek logo in the upper right will always bring you back to the main page to see the latest comic.

We’re also working on getting the new forums up and running, so keep your eye out for those. I’m still getting used to the new design, so if you notice any quirks or glitches, please let me know. And enjoy the new site!


Comic Storylines

Chapter 06