Staying in-character = failed

Guys, you should probably come out of that secret back room meeting in-character. Cause, you know, people are going to be wondering why the snark-tacular Anarchist leader is suddenly jumping around like a maniac and pumping her fists in the air. Just sayin’. I’m now back home and back at my drawing table again, so … Read more


Sketch… Monday?

Hey everyone!! Sorry to have to swap the sketch day from Friday to Monday this week, but between Gen Con and Fan Expo in Toronto, I’ve been away from home for a half a month, and my buffer’s taken a bit of a hit!! Regular comic updates will begin again tomorrow (Tuesday), and there’ll still … Read more


Fan Expo – Booth 440

Today’s sketch is one I did at Gen Con last weekend, but THIS weekend I am at Fan Expo in Toronto. I will be at booth 440 with Sam of Sam and Fuzzy. We will be doing sketches and giving high fives all weekend, so if you’re there, drop by and say hello!