
ATAT’s are just generally pretty awesome.

January 19, 2009

Few things are as fun to draw as an ATAT. They’ve got interesting mechanical compartments, long, spindly legs with gears on the joints, and big ol’ elephant feet. After drawing this one, I was so tempted to try drawing a steampunk version of one – smokestacks and brass can only make them even more fun to draw.

If you were one of the folks who tuned into last week’s Ustream, you’re already familiar with these panels! That’s one unexpected advantage of me working from a buffer – when I show you guys what I’m currently working on, it’s a preview from a few weeks ahead! I didn’t have time to do another stream this past weekend, but I’m hoping to get around to one this upcoming weekend. I’ll keep you guys informed here on the blog, and on my Twitter!


Comic Storylines

Chapter 11