Super Art Fight!!
July 11, 2011
The first rule of Super Art Fight is that you TALK LOUDLY about Super Art Fight because it’s awesome!!
For those of you who don’t know what Super Art Fight is, imagine a combination of Win-Lose-or-Draw and Pro Wrestling. Artists go head to head on giant canvases, drawing whatever the ominously named “Wheel of Death” chooses for them. (For more info about my previous experience with Super Art Fight, read the comic starting here!!)
This year featured an epic Battle Royal. The Angry Zen Master, Jamie Noguchi, held out against all the combatants in the first round, and even the combined might of Joel, Dave and myself were not enough to overcome his zen-like concentration. Truly, he is a master of art-fighting.
Pictures and video of the event to come soon, hopefully! I will link to them here when they’re available!