

November 11, 2011

Weregeeks, meet werewolf.

This was a commission I did last year, and it’s still one of my favorites. It’s nothing particularly new – people draw scruffy-looking wolfmen all the time, I’m sure. But *I* was particularly pleased to have the chance to draw a classic movie monster with a bit of a modern twist. Werewolves, whatever the shape, are Fun Fun Fun to draw!

And, speaking of commissions… Those of you still thinking of buying a commission from me during this sale will have until Wednesday, November 16th to get your orders in. I’m tentatively going to say that the commissions will be drawn live on Friday, Nov. 18, though if I receive enough commissions I may push that back a day and draw both Thursday and Friday. More info on the Ustream schedule will be posted next week!


Comic Storylines

Chapter 19