
New Year, New Start!!

January 11, 2010

Hey everyone!! Christmas is past, and we’re already well settled into the New Year. It’s still hard to believe that it’s 2010 already!! Where did the ‘00’s’ go? What will the future bring? (There’s only 11 years until Goblinization Day, after all!)

As some of you know, 2009 was an up-and-down sort of year for me. I went to lots of cons, met a bunch of you awesome folks, and started up Moosehead Stew. My career as a webcomic artist is just starting to take off!

But, if you’ve been following my Twitter and blog posts, then you also know that I lost not one but TWO jobs to downsizing this year. (Woo, recession…) Some people might take that as a bit of a blow, but I decided just to roll with it. And that means, trying to make a living through my comics!

So what can you do to help out? Lots!!

– The main thing you can do to help is to spread the word about the comic!! Dig, Reddit, Slashdot, Facebook, Twitter… These are all great ways to get new people hooked on the comic! There’s even a handy “Share This Comic” button just below the comic – look for the word balloon to the lower right of today’s strip!
– Got a local gaming store/comic book shop/other geek hangout? HERE is a handy flier that you can print out and post up wherever geeks congregate. (Think of it like a low-tech linking system!) And, as an added bonus, you’ll get geek cred for introducing folks to your favourite geeky comic.
– Check out the new merchandise in the new Weregeek store – We’ve got new merchandise, including dice earrings, button sets, and a new t-shirt design! More things will be added throughout the year, and let me tell you, there is some cool stuff coming your way!
– Preorder Weregeek: Volume 2! Production is well underway on Weregeek: Volume 2 –Creatures of the Night, and I’m hoping to get it off to press by February and have it back and ready to ship by March. So, beat the rush and pre-order your copy now!


Comic Storylines

Chapter 12