Comic 18

Let it Snow…

January 10, 2007

I’m guessing you’ve all noticed the spiffy new site design by now. It still needs a few minor tweaks here and there, but it’s pretty much done. I’m really happy with how it looks.

You should also check out the Weregeek forum! Just click on the forum link, and come geek out with me. Yay, forums..

In other news – I’m completely snowed in at work! A huge blizzard just hit Saskatoon today, and it’s so bad that I can’t even see the office across the street. I just went to dig out my car, and the snowdrifts are so high that you can’t tell where the hood of my car ends and the snowbanks begin. If it doesn’t clear up soon, I may end up camping at the warehouse tonight…

***Update – I didn’t manage to get my car out of the lot, but our producer arranged to have us all picked up by a friend of his with a 4×4. It was a pretty white-knuckled ride home (there were many point where I wasn’t sure that we were on the road any more, because I couldn’t see beyond the hood of the car!), but he got us home safe and sound. On the plus side, the storm’s going to rage all night, so we got the day off work tomorrow. Time to work on more comics!


Comic Storylines

Chapter 01