Comic 47

Teenage Mutant Ninja AWESOME!

March 14, 2007

I remember that back in grade 4, if I got off of school exactly on time (our teacher was big on keeping the class late if one person goofed off…) and RAN the entire 12 blocks home, I could get there just after the opening credits for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Some days it would just be me, and some days my best friend and I would both be tearing down the street like we were being chased by a pack of rabid dogs.

And you know what? It was always worth it. Always.

I recently got to read the original Eastman and Laird TMNT comics, and you know what? They were even better than the T.V. series. Grittier, bloodier, and far less cheesy lines. (Let’s face it, the cartoons were made for kids. In the 80’s. The dialogue, much as I love it, makes me cringe.) And, as an added bonus, they fight dinosaurs. In space. How is that not awesome?

Now, I’ve seen the trailer [link] for the TMNT movie, and I’m really excited. I don’t think it’ll be a -good- movie, mind you – what little I’ve seen from the trailer tells me that the writing will probably be pretty weak, and the dialogue will probably make me cringe just as much as the cartoon did – but it will be a FUN movie. And a shiny one. The turtles move so much better in 3D than the ever did as guys in suits (a la the first three movies…).

March 23rd, people. Just a little over a week. I’m so there, even if it means I have to run all the way to the theatre.


Comic Storylines

Chapter 02