Thanksgiving Jokes!!

Watch out folks – I can make jokes in BOTH official languages!! Happy Thanksgiving, fellow Canadian! (élan is French for moose – elan is French for ‘with enthusiasm’. French puns are fun!)

Calgary over

Calgary Expo was amazing but I have to drive back over the mountains now! Comic tomorrow! In the meantime, enjoy this Twi’lek sketch I did at the show!

Wrench firmly in my plans!

Hey everyone! Sorry for yet another filler update. I have scripts & thumbnails for all of this week’s comics, and the plan was to head back to Edmonton after the Calgary Expo and spend the day at Layne’s lab, working on comics while he got his workstation in order. Instead, our landlord informed us that … Read more

Contact Page Problems

It’s come to our attention that the Contact page auto-emailer isn’t working. We recently were moved to a new server and the emailer seems to be having trouble with the new settings. We’ll try to get it addressed as quickly as possible… so if you’ve been trying to send an email, please bear with us!

Christmas Filler Week!

In case you haven’t noticed, this week is going to be mostly Christmas-related filler, with regular Weregeek strips returning in the New Year. In the meantime, hope you had a Cool Yule and that Santa brought you all new supplements and modules from your favourite games! See you in 2012!