
Calgary Expo!!

June 14, 2011

Hey guys!

Regular updates resume tomorrow, but I just wanted to take the time to remind all of my Canadian Weregeeks that I will be at the Calgary Comic Expo this weekend! (Non-Canadian geeks, I wish you could be here too. It’s a fun show!)

I always refer to Calgary Expo as my local con, even though it’s a two & half hour drive south of where I actually live.  (In Canada, a two and half hour drive is nothing. I routinely drive ten hours in a weekend to go visit home.) I’ve been going since the early days of the show, and it’s been really amazing to see how much it’s grown over the past few years. Now, it’s a HUGE show, attracting the likes of Mira Furlan, George Romero, and William Shatner.

And, this year, there will also big a big crowd of webcomics people! WOO!!

So, stop by, say hello, and keep your fingers crossed for me that book 3 won’t be delayed by the postal strike, because I *should* have it in time to debut it at this show!


Calgary Expo

June 17-19,

Calgary AB



Comic Storylines

Chapter 17